Shane and Brad

Shane and Brad

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Fiddlehead Turn Screw"

A little while back Brad purchased an original antique tool from another collector who had it labeled as a "Gun Tool". It was a fairly simple yet interesting tool that appeared to be blacksmith made for use in the field. The design of the tool seemed obvious, with a "blade" on one end for screw turning and a "tail" on the other to offer leverage in turning, as well as doubling as a weighted tool for knapping the flint. Brad thought it would be fun to refine the original design of the tool to be somewhat more artistic and of gunsmith quality, adding in a bit of decorative work and whitesmithing. As many of you are already highly aware, art imitates nature in many circumstances, and the symmetry in nature has provided inspiration for artisans for centuries. Through sheer circumstance, Shane took this photo of a "Fiddlehead fern" while out hiking through the Pennsylvania woods this past Spring. As you can see, the inspiration from nature is obvious. So we nicknamed the new tool the "Fiddlehead Turn Screw". "Everything you can imagine, nature has already created" ~Albert Einstein~

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